Set up competence grid in the course
Note: The first two steps (also) have to be carried out by the administrator for the teacher to be able to work with the competence grid.
- Select competence areas for your school type
- Relate moodle activities with competences
With the option “relate moodle activities”, a learning material for the activity is created, which can be planned in the weekly schedule. The assessment for this learning material will be done in the competence grid.
Moodle activities are displayed in the competence grid along with the respective competencies / sub-competencies:
Activities from another course (template course) can be imported into this course.
additional option:
To unlock the option “assign moodle activities”, activate it - as an admin - in the plugin settings.
With the option “assign moodle activities”, you assign one or more competencies to an activity. If the activity is carried out, the assigned competence will be assessed in the competence grid (manually or automatically).
Moodle activities are displayed in the competence grid as assigned to the respective competencies / sub-competencies (red symbol).